What is “Slow living”?


When you hear the word “Slow living”, what comes to your mind?

Life in countryside? Eating organic food? Or a room with only essential stuffs? The picture comes to our mind can be different, but we can say that no one would imagine “Busy life with tons of things to do”.


To understand “Slow living”, we should know about a slow movement started in Italy in the 1980s. The movement started with the concept of slow food as the opposite of fast food, to defend local food cultures and traditions. Now the movement is supported by people in over 160 countries and it continues to protect gastronomic traditions. The movement also call for fair payments for producers and encourages people to enjoy quality and fairly traded food.

This way of thinking spreads to our life style and it has started to be called “Slow living”.


These are some definitions and descriptions of "Slow living" you can find online.

People every day are constantly living at a fast pace which is making them feel like their lives are chaotic – but with slow living they end up taking a step back and start enjoying life being conscious of sensory profusion.” — Wikipedia Slow Living³

Slow living is a lifestyle emphasizing slower approaches to aspects of everyday life.” — Wikipedia Slow Living³

Slow Living is a more reflective approach to answering how we live, work and play as human beings on a fragile Earth.” — SlowLivingSummit.org5


The strict guideline for “Slow living” does not exist. But to get started with “Slow living”, as a first step, why don't you try to make some small changes to your daily life?


Here are some examples of the small changes you can start today.


#1 Getting up 30mins earlier

Normally people are busy getting ready for work or school in the morning. If you can have extra 30mins in that busy morning, you can enjoy your breakfast to boost your day. Or you can read a newspaper with a cup of coffee.


#2 Organize and check your daily schedule

By organize your daily schedule, you know your priorities and you can make your mind clear. When you find any plan that does not carry out, think whether the plan is necessary or not. If the answer is no, you could just choose to cancel it and use that time freely.


#3 Pour over your coffee

If you are a coffee lover, pour coffee by yourself instead of drinking instant one or buying it somewhere. Measure beans, pour water slowly, inhale the aroma of coffee... will whisk you away from busy life. Even if the rest of your day is busy, doing this one thing will create a bit more peace and stillness in your day.


#4 Do a social media detox

Social media helps us stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be a source of stress and anxiety. We know it is hard and not realistic to turn your phone off suddenly for a whole day, so try to do it just for an hour. This an hour will be great healing time for your mental health.


#5 Sit down at your meal

and turn off all the gadgets. Just pay attention to what you’re eating. You may find new feelings that you’ve never sensed from the food. Also, if you are living with you family try to have your meals together and enjoy some conversation. After finished, both your stomach and heart will be satisfied.


#6 Go for a walk

Breath in the fresh air and just enjoy your surroundings. There is something healing about being outdoors. It’s not only in your head, this ability of nature is now scientifically proven.

Walking around local park with no purpose will make you away from the stresses you have in your daily life.


Use these tips as a reference and please find your way to take a relaxing time.

Enjoy your own style of ”Slow living” and if you have any tips, please share with us on comment section.

What is “Slow living”?