Special product review by Inna Farber
@boychik2989 has 10,000 followers and is influential in the tea industry.
Traditional Anxi TIeGuanYin oolong in TOKINE tea drip system. I measured 6g of leaves, preheated with boiled water over clay filter, glass pitcher and cups. I poured the boiling water three times.I was very pleased with the
results. I didn’t overbrew it. It was thick and mellow and I may use more leaf next time only because I like my tea strong. But even like this it was very pleasant. Clay filter has no smell or taste. It acts neutral. Clean
up was easy and I rinsed it well with boiling water too. Not sure if this will season with time.
Looks like it’s perfect if you have 2+ company to brew larger amount of tea. Or if you just want to enjoy tea freestyle
without obsessing over ratios and timing. Thank you for sourcing it! I highly recommend to try it!