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OnoHiroshi |

LOIS the Store will exhibit at NY NOW again! NY NOW is the largest home and gift wholesale trade show in the United States. It showcases a wide variety of products for retailers, e-commerce sites, and specialty buyers. Ranging from home styles to artisan products, everyday accessories to luxury gifts, NY NOW is where products shine.
Date: 8/13 (Sun.) to 16 (Wed.)
Location: Javits Center, NYC
Booth: B36-H3
We will be cooperating with BULLETIN and exhibiting at their booth (BULLETIN Incubator Home).  Bulletin is the wholesale operating system connecting the next generation of brands and omni-channel retailers. During their Inaugural BULLETIN Pavilion, 69 total brands were showcased and over 300 connections and orders were made. 
The Summer 2023 show is sure to be another great success, so please stop by LOIS the Store at NY NOW.